If you're attending a program with us at our school in Camden, this information may help you find us more easily.
Our street address is:
1301 Broad Street
Camden, SC 29020
Sometimes, GPS takes people to a dentist office located at 1301 Monument Square. This office just down the street from us at the corner of Broad Street and Monument Square.
Driving to our school from I-20
Many people drive in by way of Interstate 20 and take the Camden exit (Exit 98). From there, you'll drive through the center of Camden on Broad Street.
As you approach our address -1301 Broad Street - the shops of downtown Camden will be in your rearview mirror and our school will be on the left.
We are in a gray two-story Charleston-style house. A gravel driveway runs alongside the house, in front of the porch. Use that driveway to access our parking lot behind the house.

It can be easy to miss the school, so you might look for:
A large brick church with a white steeple, on your left. Our driveway will be up next as you pass the church parking lot.

The Kershaw County Library on the right, which is directly across the street from us.

If you find yourself at this dental practice, thanks to Google Maps, no worries!

You're not far away. Turn around, head back toward the center of Camden, and drive a half block to find our school on your right.