Buckley Speaking

Our online magazine with tips, news, and instruction for you

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February 3, 2025

Poem to Help Your Public Speaking: The Enemies

Resources , The Buckley Experience , Poems to Read Aloud

Our founder believed reading poetry out loud improved a presenter's diction, cadence, and vocal variety. This month, learn about an often overlooked British poet and enhance your voice by reading her work aloud.

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January 8, 2025

President Carter's Crisis of Confidence Speech: 'Ahead of its time'

Great Speeches , On This Day , Presidents Day

As people remember Jimmy Carter's presidency, one speech in particular is resonating more than four decades after it was first delivered.

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January 6, 2025

Your Next Presentation: Easy ways to sound more confident

Public Speaking , Presentation Tips , Vocal Delivery

Simple adjustments to word choice and vocal delivery can make you appear more confident. Try our tips for your next presentation and see what happens!

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  • “I thought you’d like to know we won the contract. I also thought you should know we got a standing ovation from the review panel. They said it had never happened before.”
    Aeronautics engineer after prepping a multi-million dollar contract pitch with Buckley coaches
  • "The Buckley School instills confidence and allows one to quickly read competitors—necessary assets for us introvert accountants. Keep the oratory torch lit!"
    Controller for Artificial Intelligence Company graduate of the Executive Seminar
  • "The Executive Seminar proved to be a defining experience personally and professionally. I approach speaking with a new sense of enthusiasm and confidence."
    Lyft marketing leader commenting on our Executive Seminar
  • "I have attended a few courses over the last year or two, and nothing has come close to the personal attention and standard of coaching I received at your school."
    BET executive after attending The Executive Seminar
  • "I put to good use the many skills learned at a speech before several hundred diplomats at the United Nations. While I had made many presentations since attending your school, the U.N. speech was the first large scale one. It made a huge difference."
    Washington, D.C. attorney after attending The Executive Seminar
  • "What a pleasure and a true privilege to watch you develop our team. The value of what you do grows every year for me."
    U.S. military training leader following multi-day custom program
  • "After coming over to work on a keynote address for a bankers’ convention, I received the highest evaluation I’ve ever gotten as a speaker. My thoughts were the same, but The Buckley School helped me better organize and present them. The difference was amazing.”
    Bank executive in an email after private coaching
  • “I spent a great deal of energy avoiding public speaking. It limited my career, my personal causes, and my potential. It was truly my ‘skeleton in the closet.’ You have released me from my shackles.”
    Development director for commercial real estate company after attending The Executive Seminar
  • "My experience at The Buckley School, in no short order, changed my life. It made me more confident, polished and secure."
    Government Affairs Director in an email after attending The Executive Seminar
  • “It was just what my staff needed—instruction and practice that made them more polished and built their confidence….one more reason to love The Buckley School!”
    Insurance company CEO by email, after Buckley on-site training
  • "I make presentations every week via Zoom, Microsoft Teams, and Skype. I received an email from someone in Hong Kong who's a senior board member of several Asian funds. He'd been on a conference call, and people were praising my presentation. Every time this happens, I say thank you to The Buckley School!"
    Investment Executive graduate of multiple Buckley programs
  • "I gave my first campaign speech in Washington on Friday to a room of approximately 1,000 people. Following the speech, I had numerous people congratulate me on a ‘wonderful,’ ‘passionate,’ and ‘statesmanlike’ talk. I could not have done it without your help!"
    Architect and former AIA president after prepping with Buckley coaches
  • "I learned more in one day than in a semester in speech at college. As the Chinese say, when the student is ready, the teacher arrives."
    Physician after private coaching for a keynote speech
  • "I’ve been writing speeches for more than 20 years and have attended a number of public speaking training sessions. But I’ve not experienced one the caliber of yours. You’ve helped give my speeches a whole new dimension."
    AARP Consumer Representative after attending a Buckley speaking workshop