Recent Articles in Presentation Tips

October 14, 2024

Ending Well: Tips for Concluding Presentations

Public Speaking , Presentation Tips

Like a speaker's strong open, a deliberate conclusion can make sure the audience takes away a presentation's most important points. Here's how to make the end count.

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September 19, 2024

Writing Tips for Presenters: Easy ways to make messages ear-friendly

Public Speaking , Presentation Tips

Even the most attentive audience may struggle if your message isn't written to be heard. Find 3 easy ways to help them grasp your brilliant ideas.

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August 26, 2024

Features and Benefits: Connecting for Persuasive Presentations

Public Speaking , Presentation Tips

Why should anyone care about a product's features or a company's services? Here's how a presentation with benefits can help.

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August 6, 2024

Let It Go: 6 beliefs that can hold your public speaking back

Public Speaking , Presentation Tips , Public Speaking Fear

When public speaking makes us feel vulnerable, some of our thoughts can get in the way. Here's how to push past them so you can be great.

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July 18, 2024

Finding Answers: Handling the FAQs About Your Message

Presentation Tips , Media Training

Almost every organization encounters frequently asked questions - yet still may struggle to answer them. Follow this process to get your team together to resolve those nagging challenges.

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April 16, 2024

The Value in Embracing this Fact: Public speaking is a skill

Public Speaking , Instruction , Presentation Tips , Public Speaking Fear

Sure, some people have a talent for presenting to audiences. But every person can learn the skills of public speaking. Here's why that matters for you.

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March 27, 2024

Organizing Presentations: Some structures that can help

Presentation Tips , Public Speaking

What's your strategy for organizing your public speaking messages? Do you need one? Find some tried-and-true organizational schemes that can help.

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February 12, 2024

5 Tips for Making Company Messages Your Own

Business Communication , Presentation Tips , Public Speaking

Messaging guidelines and mission statements provide for consistent branding. But the words don't always come out of a speaker's mouth sounding authentic and engaging. Here's what you can do about that.

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January 15, 2024

The Evolution of Executive Presence: Positive changes you can make

Business Communication , Presentation Tips , Public Speaking , Seen|Read|Heard

While ideas about how an executive should look and behave are changing, public speaking and presentation skills are still at the top of everyone's list. See how the evolution of executive presence can work for you.

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January 5, 2024

Public Speaking 101: Help for Beginners

Public Speaking , Instruction , Presentation Tips

After a lifetime of avoiding it, imagine you find out you've got to give a presentation. We know you can do it! But where do you begin? Here's a starter guide for getting you on your feet.

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December 15, 2023

Speaking from a podium: Should you?

Public Speaking , Presentation Tips

Some speakers can barely bring themselves to approach the thing. Others don't want to present without it. Find our tips for determining how and when to use a lectern.

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December 5, 2023

Speaker’s Wish List: 4 Things to Request When It's Your Turn on Stage

Public Speaking , Presentation Tips

You've accepted an invitation to speak at an event. So what should you be asking for? Here are four requests that can help you be a more successful speaker.

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November 21, 2023

Three simple ways to make your messages audience-friendly

Public Speaking , Presentation Tips

Data, new ideas, complex information - presentations can overwhelm an audience quickly. Here are 3 easy changes you can make to help them follow you.

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November 14, 2023

Presentation Questions: How ready are you?

Public Speaking , Presentation Tips

When you're working hard on a pitch, don't overlook your prep for Q&A. Find tips here that will help you be ready for challenges.

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October 25, 2023

Presenter With a Scary Smile? 3 Tips for Making Sure That's Not You!

Public Speaking , Presentation Tips

Almost any public speaking training will encourage a presenter to smile, but not all smiles are created equal. Here's how to make sure you send the right message with yours.

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October 18, 2023

Five Easy Ways to Make your PowerPoint Deck More Accessible

Presentation Tips , Business Communication , PowerPoint

Making PowerPoint presentations more accessible for people of different abilities benefits everyone in your audience - which means it's a beneficial effort for you, too!

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October 4, 2023

Four painfully obvious truths we forget when presentations hit roadblocks

Public Speaking , Presentation Tips

Despite how it feels, you're not the first speaker to hit a snag or two. Recall these truths when things are not going quite the way you planned!

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September 26, 2023

Want to Adopt a New Technique? Exaggerate it!

Public Speaking , Presentation Tips , Gestures & Body Language , Vocal Delivery

Stretching your presentation skills? Try some of our wild-and-crazy ways to appear more naturally in command and at ease.

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August 28, 2023

5 Simple Ways to Wake Up Your Audience

Public Speaking , Presentation Tips

When you're presenting and feel as if the energy has left the room, don't despair! Try one of these 5 simple ways to wake up your audience and get them re-engaged.

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May 18, 2023

Media Training: Dressing for the Camera

Media Training , Presentation Tips

Clothing you wear for the camera needs to suit you and the particular situation. With work requiring more of us to be on camera more often, many are looking for guidelines to help sort it all out. We offer up a few...

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April 26, 2023

Uncross your Feet and Other Quick Tips for Taking a Stand

Public Speaking , Presentation Tips , Gestures & Body Language

Would Venus Williams stand with feet crossed to receive a serve on the tennis court? Our simple tips can help you find your best ready stance when you speak, so you're set to deliver at your best.

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April 17, 2023

Applying Communication Techniques to Business Conversations

Business Communication , Presentation Tips

You want to have authentic one-on-one interactions with company leaders and potential clients, but you've got a message to relay, too. See how drawing on presentation and media techniques can help you do both.

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March 14, 2023

Engage the Audience: Making Rhetorical Questions Work

Public Speaking , Presentation Tips , Rhetorical Devices

A rhetorical question can be a simple yet effective way to wake up an audience. How can you make the most of it?

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February 27, 2023

Low Expectations and Learning New Skills

Public Speaking , Presentation Tips , Instruction

Giving yourself permission to try new things without being perfect helps you master new presentation skills. Get some tips for how you can lighten up on yourself!

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January 16, 2023

Quotes: How to Mark them in a Presentation

Public Speaking , Presentation Tips , PowerPoint , Gestures & Body Language

Want to quote your favorite genius in a speech? Need to emphasize a word on a PowerPoint slide? Be sure you know what message you're sending with those quotation marks.

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November 28, 2022

Stage Fright: Understanding Your Anxiety Can Help You Manage It

Public Speaking Fear , Presentation Tips , Public Speaking

Performance anxiety is a reality for most speakers, according to psychologists. And they say it's not all bad. See how understanding the causes can help you avoid procrastination and be a more successful presenter.

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November 14, 2022

Tips for Teeing Up New Presentation Skills

Public Speaking , Presentation Tips , Public Speaking Fear

Golf fans know even the best players struggle to incorporate improvements. Yet, we're quick to get frustrated when trying new public speaking skills. Try these tips to fast-track your learning.

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November 7, 2022

Upspeak: What Do You Say When The Voice Rises

Public Speaking , Vocal Delivery , Presentation Tips

A proud part of your identity? Or an annoying speech pattern for audiences? Explore the pros and cons of upspeak and see why we think you should be deliberate in how you use it.

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November 2, 2022

Unfriendly Audiences & What Umpires Can Teach Us About Speaking To Them

Public Speaking , Gestures & Body Language , Presentation Tips , Just For Fun

The 2022 Major League Baseball season was the first to require umpires to display public speaking skills. What can we learn from how they tackled the assignment?

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October 24, 2022

The Art of Q&A

Public Speaking , Business Communication , Presentation Tips

There's no single formula for handling audience questions. See how you can balance your goals with their needs, and how you can strategize for different settings.

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October 17, 2022

Public Speaking Gestures: Find the right 'voice' for your hands

Gestures & Body Language , Public Speaking , Strictly Speaking , Presentation Tips

Worried about inappropriate gestures? (No, not THOSE gestures.) We're thinking about how to strike the right tone in presentations when you talk with your hands.

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October 6, 2022

Pronouns and Presentations: When We, You, They aren’t Clear

Presentation Tips , Public Speaking

Do they know you mean them? Is it clear to us and ours? See how more deliberate use of names, nouns, and pronouns can help you make yourself clear.

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September 19, 2022

Ups & Downs of Public Speaking: The case for varying delivery

Public Speaking , Vocal Delivery , Gestures & Body Language , Presentation Tips

Yes, your energy can engage an audience. But there can be too much of a good thing. See how varying your energy level can help you deliver a more compelling message.

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August 23, 2022

Better presentations: Delight them with diction

Presentation Tips , Public Speaking , Vocal Delivery

Crisp diction is often overlooked, but it can make presentations more engaging and add sparkle to your speaking. Find our simple tips for elevating yours.

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August 12, 2022

Speaking on a Panel: Seven tips to help you succeed

Panel Discussions , Public Speaking , Presentation Tips , How To

You've said yes to participating in a panel discussion. What should you do to prepare? Find our tips for being your most brilliant, interesting self.

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August 4, 2022

In-person presentations: Tips for getting back out there

Public Speaking , Presentation Tips , Gestures & Body Language

After months of online presenting, it can be hard to find your footing in front of live audiences. Here are some easy ways to get your public speaking skills back on track.

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July 28, 2022

Finding a place for stories in your next presentation

Storytelling , Presentation Tips , Public Speaking , Three Things

Want to bring more storytelling to your presentations? Here are three places it's easy to start...

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July 13, 2022

Plumped up Presentations: Three kinds of filler you might want to reduce

Public Speaking , Three Things , Presentation Tips

Those seemingly harmless words we repeat can undermine our messages. Here's how you can get filler phrases under control.

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June 15, 2022

Ways to Practice When Public Speaking Isn't Part of Your Job

Presentation Tips , Public Speaking , Public Speaking Fear

Even if you don't make presentations in the job you have now, you'll probably do more public speaking as your career advances. Here's how to be ready for opportunities coming your way.

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May 20, 2022

Simple is brilliant: Three presentation mindsets that get in the way

Public Speaking , Three Things , Presentation Tips

Complex work by smart people can inspire awe - or make audiences tune out. Brilliant speaker, is it time for you to embrace the genius of simplicity?

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April 21, 2022

Better than your standard open: Getting an event started

Public Speaking , Presentation Tips , Three Things

What's the best way to connect with your audience when you're not the main attraction? Here are three ways to freshen up those standard welcoming remarks.

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April 7, 2022

When Young Speakers Want to be taken seriously

Public Speaking , Presentation Tips , Three Things

Young professionals bring lots of strengths to presentations, but they worry about credibility. Extra attention to three public speaking fundamentals can help.

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March 22, 2022

Presenting Under Pressure: Recovering When Things Go Wrong

Public Speaking , Presentation Tips , Public Speaking Fear

Hit a pothole while making a presentation? Here's how to minimize the problem during your speech and how to bounce back for the long haul.

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March 3, 2022

Books for Speakers: ‘Making Numbers Count’

Speaker's Bookshelf , Resources , Presentation Tips

As we often say to clients, "no, the numbers do not speak for themselves." Here's a book that looks at how you can make the data you present more accessible for your audiences.

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February 8, 2022

Experienced Speakers: When Nervousness Surprises You

Public Speaking , Presentation Tips , Public Speaking Fear

Nerves have a way of sneaking up on even the most experienced public speakers. Here's what you can do when you're surprised to feel a tad nervous.

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January 20, 2022

Zoom Interviews: How Does Your Room Rate?

Media Training , Presentation Tips , Seen|Read|Heard

What can Valerie Bertinelli's library and Claire McCaskill's kitchen teach you about setting up a better-looking Zoom in your home? One Twitter account can make it fun to learn.

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January 11, 2022

Getting started when you don't know where to start

Public Speaking , Presentation Tips , Three Things

Got a presentation to create or a speech to give, but can't find the words? Try these simple ways to give yourself a jump-start.

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January 3, 2022

A simple tool to improve presentations & interviews

Public Speaking , Presentation Tips , Resources

Not all communication can--or should--be scripted. How can you make your point and minimize the fluff that comes with speaking off the cuff? Here's one simple way to capture what's going on, so you can improve on it.

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December 7, 2021

Three Tips for Better Group Presentations

How To , Presentation Tips , Three Things , Public Speaking

When you have co-presenters, life should be better for everyone. So why are group presentations a challenge? And how can you make your presentation team more effective?

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October 25, 2021

Three gestures even reticent speakers can (learn to) love

Gestures & Body Language , Public Speaking , Public Speaking Fear , Presentation Tips , Three Things

Even when gestures can bring a lot to a talk, not every public speaker is comfortable using them. Here are three gestures even the most reluctant presenter can embrace.

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October 13, 2021

Using the Rule of 3 to elevate your presentations

Presentation Tips , How To , Three Things

Children's stories have long used the magic of three, as have famous speeches and romance novels. Now, fashion influencers are jumping on the three-wheeled bandwagon. See how 3 can spice up your public speaking.

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October 4, 2021

Boiling It Down: Reduction To Sharpen Your Messages

Presentation Tips , Media Training , Business Communication

When your time to speak is limited, how do you choose what to say? An economist shares his technique for zeroing in on the main idea.

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September 9, 2021

How to rescue Presentations drowning in Jargon

Business Communication , Presentation Tips , Seen|Read|Heard

Do audiences understand terms that seem common to you? See what a new report tells us about jargon and how you can speak to be better understood.

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July 25, 2021

FAQ: Acronyms in Speeches?

Public Speaking , Seen|Read|Heard , How To , Business Communication , Presentation Tips

How should you approach using acronyms in presentations? Like GEICO, we've got something to say about that...

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June 15, 2021

Before you Google a quote for that speech

Public Speaking , Three Things , Presentation Tips

Another's turn of phrase may seem just the thing to make your presentation shine. But before you grab that quote from Google, there are a few things you should figure out.

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May 5, 2021

Calm Public Speaking Nerves: Let's talk about self-talk

Public Speaking Fear , Presentation Tips , Public Speaking , Resources

Are you talking yourself out of succeeding and into a serious case of breathlessness and shaky knees? Whether you're going on stage or on Zoom, change your pre-presentation self-talk and see what happens...

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April 29, 2021

Contemplating Numbers: Presenting to help your audience

Presentation Tips , Three Things , Public Speaking

Does your audience have the time or the appetite for all the data in your presentation? Here are a few simple ways to help them grasp the big numbers...

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April 16, 2021

Taking Off: Setting your presentation up for success

Presentation Tips , Three Things , Public Speaking

When a presentation takes off well, you can avoid some unnecessary turbulence. Find our tips for aligning your message with your audience.

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March 30, 2021

Better Feedback for Speakers: What's in that sandwich?

Public Speaking , Presentation Tips

Helpful feedback about presentations tends to be specific. So how can you transcend the feedback sandwich to get something more substantial? Our coaches serve up ideas...

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March 26, 2021

Moved to Tears: Managing Your Emotions When Speaking

Public Speaking , Three Things , Presentation Tips

What should you do if you're telling an emotional story that might make you cry during a presentation? Our advice may spare you unnecessary tears...

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February 15, 2021

Audience Rapport: Why you want to make them happy

Presentation Tips , PowerPoint , Public Speaking , Seen|Read|Heard

Could your hard work on a presentation be undermined by poor seating or a bad room set up? It's good to keep the audience happy. Here's what a speaker can do...

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January 27, 2021

When in-person training moves online

Presentation Tips , Business Communication

Have "free webinar" become the two most dreaded words in the English language? While we muddle through these dog days of in-person training, here's what you can do to make online learning less onerous...

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January 22, 2021

How Poetry Helped Amanda Gorman Find Her Speaking Voice

Presentation Tips , Poems to Read Aloud , Seen|Read|Heard

We've long said poetry can help your public speaking. Here's how inauguration poet Amanda Gorman says it helped hers...

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December 10, 2020

Connecting the Pieces: Transitions for More Powerful Presentations

Public Speaking , Presentation Tips , Three Things , PowerPoint , How To

While some PowerPoint fans think "Next slide!" does the job, we know you can do better. Strong transitions help your message connect. Here's how to get started...

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November 18, 2020

Questionable Presentation Advice: Always Tell a Story

Public Speaking , Storytelling , Presentation Tips

Stories are considered by many to be an essential element in every presentation. So why might this standard advice inspire us to think of a cautionary tale?

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October 21, 2020

Public Speaking: Managing a Stutter

Resources , Public Speaking , Presentation Tips , Presidents Day

By talking about his struggles as someone who stutters and how he copes, Joe Biden has brought positive attention and provided encouragement to those who share this public speaking challenge.

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September 8, 2020

Presentation Tip: Two Keyboard Shortcuts to Make Life Easier

Presentation Tips , PowerPoint

Whether it's a Zoom meeting or a PowerPoint pitch, here are two super-simple ways to eliminate the fumbling and keep the focus on what you have to say.

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August 12, 2020

Online Presentations: Essential skills are even more essential

Presentation Tips , PowerPoint , Business Communication

As we log hours watching online presentations, one thing is painfully clear: Essential communication skills have never been more valuable...

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July 21, 2020

Public Speaking: Tips from Mr. Noodle

Public Speaking , Three Things , Presentation Tips , Just For Fun

What can Sesame Street's goofy Mr. Noodle teach you about public speaking? More than you might think...

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April 15, 2020

Keeping them Engaged: When routine messages can't afford to be routine

Public Speaking , Presentation Tips

Weekly meetings, monthly updates, daily safety messages - find some tips for keeping everyone motivated, including yourself...

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March 23, 2020

Our Expert Helps: Homeschool with a public speaking twist

Faculty , Resources , Presentation Tips , Public Speaking , Poems to Read Aloud

New to the school-at-home thing? Want some help? Here are some ways to have more fun, courtesy of Buckley faculty Jana Daley--a homeschool pro, who's also trained young debate champs.

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January 14, 2020

Like, when speaking: Too much of a good thing

Public Speaking , Presentation Tips , How To , Business Communication

If you know speakers who overuse "like," maybe it's time to help them find some new words. Here's how to reduce our least favorite disruptor...

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December 18, 2019

Public Speaking Sins: Following George Will

Cardinal Sins , Strictly Speaking , Presentation Tips , The Buckley Experience , Just For Fun

Reid Buckley's 10 Cardinal Sins stretched out to 11--thanks to George Will. A few words of wisdom for those times when you have to follow a rock star...

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December 13, 2019

Mayor, Executive: 'All speaking is public speaking'

Public Speaking , Presentation Tips , Alumni

Persuasive communication has always been part of his job description but as a mayor, this automotive industry executive has honed new skills. How his experiences can help you...

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December 3, 2019

Questionable Presentation Advice: Never use profanity

Presentation Tips , Just For Fun , Public Speaking , Seen|Read|Heard

Is there ever a dang good reason to let loose with a four-letter word in a speech or presentation? Here's a look at the science and strategy of the well-chosen word...

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November 25, 2019

How to Handle Questions Designed to Make You Look Bad

How To , Business Communication , Seen|Read|Heard , Presentation Tips

Facing a tough audience for a meeting or presentation? Here's what we can learn from Fiona Hill and how she handled her testimony before members of Congress...

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November 8, 2019

Job Requires Public Speaking: Will you take it?

Public Speaking , Public Speaking Fear , Presentation Tips , Seen|Read|Heard

Will you pass on your dream job if public speaking is required? Here's what you can do if your presentation fears are holding you back...

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October 23, 2019

Public Speaking Sins: Assuming All Audiences Respond the Same Way

Cardinal Sins , Strictly Speaking , The Buckley Experience , Public Speaking , Presentation Tips

Some audiences laugh easily. Others not so much. When you take your presentation on the road, here's why it pays to keep regional and cultural differences in mind...

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October 16, 2019

PowerPoint Makeovers: Three Quick Fixes

Presentation Tips , Three Things , Public Speaking , PowerPoint

Simple changes can make your too-busy slides much more audience friendly. Here are three quick ways to clean up a PowerPoint presentation...

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October 13, 2019

Public Speaking Nerves: How One High-Profile Speaker Copes

Public Speaking Fear , Seen|Read|Heard , Presentation Tips , Public Speaking

She speaks to large crowds. She's used to hostile audiences. She's known for making bold statements. And she still gets nervous. Here's how this public speaker deals with it and what you can learn...

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September 25, 2019

Public Speaking Sins: Failing to Respect Your Audience

Cardinal Sins , Strictly Speaking , Presentation Tips , The Buckley Experience

From our founder's 10 Cardinal Sins that amateur public speakers commit: Here's why you should work for the audience and assume they know a thing or two.

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September 13, 2019

How To: Project Confidence

How To , Business Communication , Public Speaking , Instruction , Presentation Tips , Public Speaking Fear

Most speakers want to appear confident. When you know what that looks like, you can project a more powerful stage presence—whether you're feeling it or not. Here's how...

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August 23, 2019

Public Speaking Sins: Failing to Appeal to Emotion

Cardinal Sins , Public Speaking , Strictly Speaking , The Buckley Experience , Presentation Tips

Even the most brilliant audiences need more than facts. From our founder's 10 cardinal sins, why you've got to break out of that box and get the audience to have feelings for you.

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August 22, 2019

Presentation Skills: Got Charisma?

Public Speaking , Resources , Presentation Tips , Strictly Speaking

It's that quality we struggle to define, yet seems to sparkle in the best public speakers. At The Buckley School, we call it personal magnetism. Here's how you can develop yours...

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August 15, 2019

Business Communication: Three Tips for Better Emails

Business Communication , Presentation Tips , Three Things

Don't be "that person"—especially when you can practice your writing and presentation skills AND craft better emails at the same time!

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August 9, 2019

How To: Manage Uhs and Ums

How To , Instruction , Presentation Tips , Public Speaking

Crutch words. Filler language. A natural way we all speak. What should you do about the uhs and ums when you're making a presentation? We have a few ideas...

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August 5, 2019

Ditching Jargon to Promote Success

Public Speaking , Seen|Read|Heard , Faculty , Presentation Tips

Universities are starting to do something about their mind-boggling jargon. Here's how that can help you reassess your own approach to business communication...

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July 23, 2019

Public Speaking Sins: Grandiose Allusions

Cardinal Sins , Public Speaking , Presentation Tips , The Buckley Experience , Strictly Speaking

"Count on this: almost nobody who quotes Plato has read Plato," writes Reid Buckley in his advice to speakers. Before you start strutting that stuff in your next speech, consider the consequences...

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July 5, 2019

Vulnerable, Courageous: Speaking to Defy the Odds

Alumni , Public Speaking , Presentation Tips

Public speaking skills help prison inmates restore self-esteem and succeed on the outside. No one knows that better than Quan Huynh. Here's how he's using his voice to help other incarcerated men and women defy the odds...

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June 21, 2019

Your Big Idea: The Poster Approach to Public Speaking

Public Speaking , Presentation Tips , Resources

What can we learn from a well-designed poster? There's a movement afoot to change how scientists use poster presentations to communicate. The same techniques can work in your presentations...

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June 19, 2019

Public Speaking Sins: Reckless Use of Quotes

Cardinal Sins , Presentation Tips , The Buckley Experience , Public Speaking Books

Before you start Googling quotes for your next presentation, take a moment to reflect on this cardinal sin that amateur speakers commit...

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June 12, 2019

Great Speeches: Berlin, Donuts and Walls

Great Speeches , On This Day , Significant Speeches , Presentation Tips , Presidents Day

One wall, two famous speeches separated by 24 years. In the month of June, both Kennedy and Reagan spoke before the Berlin Wall. A look at the impact of their words and what we can learn from those speeches today...

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June 10, 2019

Public Speaking & Storytelling: Stories to Teach

Resources , Public Speaking , Business Communication , Presentation Tips , Storytelling

Can a story help at-risk teens learn to make better choices? One former L.A. gang member thinks so. Here's how our Buckley coach helped him use his stories to teach and how the same ideas can work for your presentations...

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June 5, 2019

The Eyes of the World are Upon You: Eisenhower's D-day Speech

Significant Speeches , On This Day , Public Speaking , Great Speeches , Resources , Presentation Tips , Presidents Day

On this day, Gen. Dwight Eisenhower recorded a message for D-day troops. Learn more about how this speech came together and the edits that made his words more powerful...

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May 10, 2019

Questionable Presentation Advice: Count Out Your Points

Public Speaking , Presentation Tips , Instruction

Enumerating your points can help you organize AND help your audience follow along. So why do we always offer this tip with a warning? Four reasons...

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May 7, 2019

Economic Developer: Speaking to Motivate Communities

Public Speaking , Presentation Tips , Resources , Business Communication

How do you convince leaders to take action before a crisis comes to town? Economic developer Crystal Morphis says public speaking is one of her most important skills for helping communities stay open for business...

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April 26, 2019

Three Things to Tell Yourself When You’re Nervous

Public Speaking Fear , Presentation Tips , Three Things , Public Speaking

That voice in your head? Give it a new script! Try these lines to talk yourself into being a more confident speaker...

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April 9, 2019

Business Communication: Presenting at the Conference Table

Business Communication , Presentation Tips , Public Speaking , How To

You may not be standing on a stage--or even in front of a small group--but a seated presentation is no time to take a holiday. Here's how to pitch at the conference table and still own the room...

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April 2, 2019

Good Panel Discussions: Introducing Panelists

Panel Discussions , Presentation Tips , Instruction

Whether you're a moderator introducing the panel or a panelist instructed to talk about yourself, this simple recipe will help you better connect with the audience at your next panel discussion.

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March 18, 2019

March Madness: Some Public Speaking Slam Dunks

Just For Fun , Public Speaking , Resources , Public Speaking Fear , Travel , Presentation Tips

March Madness fans are arriving in our neighborhood, hoping to see Zion Williamson, perhaps unaware they could improve their presentation skills while watching the big games...

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March 4, 2019

Good Panel Discussions: The Moderator’s Role

Panel Discussions , Presentation Tips , Instruction , Resources

Asking questions, introducing panelists, sure--but the real job of the moderator is to represent the audience and work on their behalf. What would Oprah do?

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March 2, 2019

Questionable Advice: 'Dumb Down that Presentation'

Public Speaking , Instruction , Presentation Tips

Before you despair over "dumbing down" your presentation, consider how you can be smarter about making complex information accessible.

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February 20, 2019

Rhetorical Device of the Month: Antithesis

Rhetorical Devices , Resources , Public Speaking , Presentation Tips , Great Speeches

Why are we pro-antithesis? Here's how this artful juxtaposition can sharpen your point, challenge injustice, or make hearts soar--and make your words more memorable.

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February 7, 2019

Public Speaking Sins: Opening with a Joke

Strictly Speaking , Cardinal Sins , Public Speaking , Presentation Tips , The Buckley Experience

What must public speakers avoid if they don't want to make the amateur's mistakes? Next from our founder's 10 Cardinal Sins of Public Speaking, why canned jokes are no laughing matter...

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February 6, 2019

Good Panel Discussions: Tips for Panelists

Panel Discussions , Presentation Tips , Instruction , Resources

You've agreed to take part in a panel discussion. Now what? Dear panelist, here's how to make the most of it...

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January 21, 2019

Questionable Advice Department: Hand out Your PowerPoint in Advance

Resources , Instruction , Presentation Tips , Public Speaking , PowerPoint

Should you give the audience your PowerPoint deck before you present it? Why we question that advice on handouts and what you can do instead...

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January 14, 2019

How to: Use Gestures in a Presentation

How To , Gestures & Body Language , Instruction , Presentation Tips , Public Speaking

Do you talk with your hands? Terrific! Now let's make sure those gestures are saying what you mean...

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January 6, 2019

Public Speaking Sins: Arrogance & Conceit

Public Speaking , Strictly Speaking , Cardinal Sins , The Buckley Experience , Public Speaking Books , Presentation Tips

What must public speakers avoid if they don't want to make the mistakes of an amateur? Our founder's 10 Cardinal Sins of Public Speaking, starting with one that requires "cleansing your spirit."

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January 3, 2019

Good Panel Discussions: Start with Why

Panel Discussions , Resources , Presentation Tips

What makes the best panel discussion? What do moderators and panelists need to know to succeed? We're sharing tips from our experiences, starting with the most obvious and overlooked question: Why?

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December 20, 2018

All I Want for Christmas: PowerPoint to Pitch the Parents

Public Speaking , Presentation Tips , Seen|Read|Heard , PowerPoint

Should Santa be on the lookout for more PowerPoint presentations? Here's how The New York Times says kids are using formal pitches to persuade their parents...

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December 2, 2018

Questionable Presentation Advice: Get the Audience Involved

Public Speaking , Presentation Tips , Seen|Read|Heard

Of course, you want the audience engaged when you're presenting. But before you ask them to close their eyes or get up on their feet, consider this...

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November 13, 2018

Questionable Presentation Advice: Smile More

Public Speaking , Presentation Tips , Instruction

Asking a speaker to smile more may earn you a grimace or a frown. Here's how to solve the real problem with speaker engagement and facial expressions...

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November 12, 2018

Tips for Mastering Public Speaking Skills More Quickly

Three Things , Presentation Tips , Public Speaking

Helping military members master new communication skills has also taught us a few things. Here's how you can jump in, embrace the challenge, and accelerate your learning...

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November 8, 2018

How To: Calm Public Speaking Nerves

Public Speaking Fear , Public Speaking , Presentation Tips , Instruction , How To

When you feel nervousness coming on, what's a speaker to do? Here's how to manage that I'm-on-next stress and keep nerves from undermining your presentation...

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November 5, 2018

Public Speaking Lessons from 'The Voice'

Three Things , Just For Fun , Presentation Tips , Seen|Read|Heard , Faculty

Our Buckley coach makes the case for learning presentation skills from a popular TV show and why Taylor Swift would make an excellent public speaking instructor...

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October 17, 2018

Presenting to Decision Makers: Tips for a Better Pitch

Resources , Presentation Tips , Seen|Read|Heard , Public Speaking

Presenting to the C-Suite or a promising new client is the opportunity you've been working for. Avoid these common mistakes when you make your pitch...

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October 16, 2018

Questionable Presentation Advice: Walk to Engage the Audience

Resources , Public Speaking , Instruction , Presentation Tips

Walk around the room to connect with the audience? Yeah, we've heard that one, too. Before you step in it bigtime, consider our take...

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October 16, 2018

How To: Ask a Rhetorical Question

How To , Instruction , Resources , Presentation Tips

It's a simple technique for engaging audiences, yet many speakers don't make the most of it in presentations. Here's how to ask rhetorical questions that get you somewhere...

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September 18, 2018

Public Speaking Tips: Get More From Your Voice

Public Speaking , Presentation Tips , Vocal Delivery

You don't need a different voice. You need to make the most of the one you have! Three ways to do that, plus a lifetime of insights from the Buckley vocal coach who pushes our students to stretch their performances...

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September 10, 2018

Speaking in Public: Reading & Managing the Audience

30th Anniversary , Speaker's Bookshelf , Public Speaking Books , The Buckley Experience , Instruction , Presentation Tips , Speaking in Public

To be unnerved or not to be unnerved? That is the question when facing a murderous room. Tips for how to read audiences and adjust your presentation like a pro...

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September 7, 2018

How to: Format a speech text

How To , Resources , Presentation Tips , Instruction , Public Speaking

Simple formatting changes can make it much easier to give a speech from a written text. Here's what you can do to see almost instant results:

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September 6, 2018

Questionable Presentation Advice: Always Repeat Audience Questions

Resources , Presentation Tips , Instruction , Seen|Read|Heard , Public Speaking

Maybe you've heard this tip for handling Q&A sessions after a speech or presentation: Always repeat the question before you answer it. But it's not that simple...

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August 13, 2018

Let’s Go There: Your Public Speaking Mindset

Public Speaking , Seen|Read|Heard , Presentation Tips

Might your dread of public speaking be worse than the experience itself? A look at the connection between mindset and public speaking success...

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August 10, 2018

Better Stories for Your Next Presentation

Resources , Public Speaking , Three Things , Instruction , Presentation Tips , Storytelling

Personal stories can bring a presentation to life. Apply these easy-to-use writing workshop tips to bring more life to your stories...

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August 7, 2018

Questionable Presentation Advice: Open With a Joke

Resources , Public Speaking , Presentation Tips , Instruction

When well-meaning public speaking advice goes wrong: Why you might not want to open that can of jokes.

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July 16, 2018

3 Tips for Better PowerPoint in 30 seconds

Public Speaking , Instruction , Presentation Tips , Three Things , PowerPoint

You can get a better PowerPoint presentation in 30 seconds, just by making a few simple changes. Here's how...

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July 11, 2018

Questionable Presentation Advice: Speak from the heart

Public Speaking , Resources , Seen|Read|Heard , Presentation Tips , The Buckley Experience

Heard some public speaking advice that made you wonder? Us, too. Here's another take on the old "speak from the heart" tip...

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June 28, 2018

Speaking in Public: How to Use a Lectern

Public Speaking Books , 30th Anniversary , Resources , Public Speaking , The Buckley Experience , Speaker's Bookshelf , Presentation Tips , Speaking in Public

A lectern can be a great home base for a speaker, when used well. Reid Buckley provides a professional speaker's tips and perspective from the podium...

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June 5, 2018

Using Quotes in Speeches: Should You?

Public Speaking , Seen|Read|Heard , Instruction , Presentation Tips , Just For Fun

Should you use a quote in your next speech or presentation? A graduation speech making news for its use of a quote inspires us to weigh in...

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May 11, 2018

3 Ways to Improve Your On-Camera Delivery

Three Things , Presentation Tips , Faculty , Media Training

From company video messages to online training, more of us expect to be on camera as part of our work. A news anchor, TV producer, and Buckley coach--Kara Gormley Meador gives you some tips for making the most of it.

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April 18, 2018

3 simple ways to build audience rapport

Three Things , Public Speaking , Instruction , Presentation Tips , Faculty , The Buckley Experience

When the audience likes you, they're more receptive to your presentation. Here are simple ways to win that rapport the next time you speak...

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April 5, 2018

Presentation Advice: The Case for the Simple Word

Public Speaking , Presentation Tips , The Buckley Experience , 30th Anniversary , Public Speaking Books , Resources , Speaking in Public

Thirty years ago, The Buckley School launched its flagship program and founder Reid Buckley published his first book on public speaking. From Chapter 9, here's his multi-syllabled advice for using the simple word...

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March 31, 2018

Books for Speakers: Woe Is I

Public Speaking Books , Speaker's Bookshelf , Instruction , Presentation Tips , Resources

One of our favorite guides--smart, easy to follow, and full of fun (yes, really) without any of the harmful side effects that caused you to doze off in middle school...

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March 29, 2018

Beyond 'You Were Great!' - 3 Tips for Getting Helpful Feedback

Presentation Tips , Three Things , Public Speaking

"You were great!" It's the response most people hear when they ask for feedback on a speech or presentation. Here's how to get the stuff you can actually use...

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March 9, 2018

Standing Up to Public Speaking Fears

Resources , Public Speaking , Seen|Read|Heard , Three Things , Just For Fun , Presentation Tips

When a hospital administrator wanted to give her career a boost, she had to overcome her fear of public speaking. So she took on an even scarier challenge. Should you?

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February 20, 2018

Speaking in Public: Using Humor and Wit

Public Speaking Books , Speaker's Bookshelf , The Buckley Experience , Public Speaking , Presentation Tips , 30th Anniversary , Speaking in Public

Our founder's first book on speaking was "Speaking in Public." As we mark our 30th anniversary, we're sharing excerpts, including Reid's take on adding humor and wit to your public speaking...

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February 13, 2018

Comfortable in the Spotlight: 3 Public Speaking Tips for Shy Speakers

Public Speaking , Three Things , Presentation Tips

Introverts, take heart! Every speaker can find a way to own the stage, even the ones who'd prefer not to be there. Here's how...

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January 4, 2018

Speaking to Lead: Recall what moves you

Public Speaking Fear , Public Speaking , Seen|Read|Heard , Presentation Tips

She wasn't much of a talker until her job demanded it. Here's how Olympian and once-shy public speaker Dawn Staley finds her voice and how the same technique can help you...

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November 22, 2017

With Gratitude: Thoughts on saying thanks in your next speech

Presentation Tips , Public Speaking , Instruction , Etiquette

Audiences appreciate a courteous speaker, but what's the secret to conveying genuine gratitude? Our ideas about the best ways to say thank you in a speech...

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November 20, 2017

Public Speaking Fears: Make A Game Plan

Public Speaking Fear , Seen|Read|Heard , Presentation Tips , Public Speaking

How public speaking tripped him up and what you can learn from Duke's Grayson Allen about handling your nerves...

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October 25, 2017

Storytelling Tips via Camden's Most Famous Ghost

Welcome to Camden , The Buckley Experience , Just For Fun , Presentation Tips , Storytelling

Like any good ghost story, this one gets at least some of its staying power from techniques that you can use, too.

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October 23, 2017

Memory tips to spark your public speaking

Public Speaking , Seen|Read|Heard , Presentation Tips

Turns out the techniques that improve recall look a lot like the ones we use to help public speakers make their presentations memorable...

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October 4, 2017

Improv to Help Your Public Speaking

Three Things , Faculty , Presentation Tips , Just For Fun

You don't have to be an aspiring Second City cast member to benefit from giving improv a try. Here's what our Jenny Maxwell discovered...

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September 12, 2017

Help a Speaker Out

Public Speaking , Three Things , Presentation Tips

Buckley School director Karen Kalutz says you can make the world a friendlier place for every speaker (including yourself) in three easy steps.

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September 3, 2017

Handout Handoff: The ESPN Game Plan

Seen|Read|Heard , Presentation Tips

Do we owe our ESPN GameDay glee to proper use of presentation materials? The network's founder says his timing of handouts was key to a successful pitch. Here's what he did and what you can learn...

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August 30, 2017

Better Interviews, Better Presentations

Three Things , Faculty , Presentation Tips

Getting your story across in an interview has a lot in common with making a strong presentation. Our interview guru Katie Pope explains...

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August 14, 2017

Teaching Science to Teens: Lessons for any presentation

Public Speaking , Seen|Read|Heard , Presentation Tips , Resources

When our faculty Jenny Maxwell heard an NPR feature about teaching science, the discoveries sounded a lot like a Buckley primer for good public speaking....

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July 27, 2017

Better Answers for Your Next Q&A

Resources , Three Things , Presentation Tips , Instruction

"I know from my own experience," says Buckley coach Jenny Maxwell, "that the more you stand up and practice answering questions, the better you get at it." Here are some tips for your next presentation, drawn from our onsite training with companies...

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June 6, 2017

Cheers to the Happy Couple: When it's your turn to toast

Faculty , Presentation Tips , Toasts

When her son got married, Buckley Director Karen Kalutz had the wedding toast jitters. Here's what the mother of the groom did about it...

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June 5, 2017

Tips for Toasting: Reid Buckley's Rules

Presentation Tips , The Buckley Experience , Toasts , Public Speaking Books

Our founder loved celebrating with friends and family, and was a true master of the toast. Here's how he got it right.

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June 5, 2017

Raise a Glass and other Toasting Etiquette

Presentation Tips , Etiquette , Toasts

Before you clang on that glass with the butter knife, check out these simple rules for saying cheers with style.

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June 1, 2017

From Acting Class to Public Speaking

Three Things , Presentation Tips , Public Speaking , Faculty

What can a middle school acting class teach us about public speaking? Buckley Coach Emily Padgett has a few ideas....

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May 16, 2017

Graduation Speeches, Humor & Personal Experience

Public Speaking , Seen|Read|Heard , Presentation Tips , Storytelling

Brave souls continue to accept the challenge of delivering commencement addresses. See how two secrets to their success can help you with any speaking assignment.

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May 12, 2017

Speaking Inspired by Lincoln

Public Speaking , Seen|Read|Heard , Presentation Tips , Presidents Day

A tweet from Ford’s Theatre caught our eye: "Today ‪#FordsOratory students head to the Lincoln Memorial to practice giving their speeches in the footsteps of other great orators!" We had to find out more...

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May 2, 2017

VentureMom Encourages Entrepreneurs

Alumni , Public Speaking , Presentation Tips

Helping other entrepreneurs is what Holly Hurd's VentureMom is all about. Holly describes the public speaking and communication skills that help startups succeed.

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May 1, 2017

Lessons from TED for public speaking

Public Speaking Fear , Public Speaking , Faculty , Three Things , Presentation Tips

How can a TED talk help you improve your public speaking? Buckley faculty Elise Partin gave one--and shares her tips from the experience.

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April 24, 2017

What a Puppet Show Can Teach You About Presenting

Faculty , Just For Fun , Presentation Tips , Storytelling

They took a chance on entering a puppet slam: Here's what Buckley coaches Alejandro Garcia and Jenny Maxwell learned that can help your presentations.

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April 19, 2017

Facilitating Techniques for Speakers

Public Speaking , Faculty , Three Things , Instruction , Presentation Tips

Managing the audience and working toward agreement are two of the skills an expert facilitator will master. Buckley coach Katie Pope shares how her experiences as a facilitator can help your next presentation.

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April 14, 2017

The Scoop on Public Speaking: About that Lectern

Public Speaking , Seen|Read|Heard , Just For Fun , Presentation Tips

Bernie Sanders speaking from a pint of Ben & Jerry's has us thinking about some of the crazy things people believe about using lecterns--and the advice we give.

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April 11, 2017

Poems in your Pockets & Verse for Every Month

Resources , Public Speaking , Presentation Tips , Just For Fun , The Buckley Experience , Poems to Read Aloud

Years before there was National Poetry Month, The Buckley School was encouraging students of speaking to read poems aloud. Here's a little more about how you should and--with some help from Bill Murray--why it can even be fun.

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April 3, 2017

A Great Speaker Gets His Day

Public Speaking , Faculty , Presentation Tips , Resources , Public Speaking Books

Our memories of Winston Churchill, the leader, are tied to those of Churchill, the speaker. While April 9 is his "day," Buckley director Karen Kalutz says there are lessons to use from his speaking all the time.

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April 1, 2017

A Read Aloud to Make You Chuckle

Presentation Tips , Resources , The Buckley Experience , Poems to Read Aloud

Reading poetry out loud can improve your speaking--and when the poet is Ogden Nash, it's also just plain fun. Take a whirl with one of our Nash favorites.

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April 1, 2017

Lessons from Coaching Youth Debate

Public Speaking , Faculty , Three Things , Instruction , Presentation Tips

"Speaking is like sports. It's all about muscle memory," says Buckley faculty Jana Daley, who volunteers as a high school debate team coach. She shares three things she's learned that can help any speaker.

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March 17, 2017

An Irish Poet for March Read Alouds

Presentation Tips , Resources , The Buckley Experience , Poems to Read Aloud

The Buckley School has long encouraged speakers to improve their speaking skills by reading poetry out loud. This month, perhaps you'd like to read this poem from Irish poet W.B. Yeats.

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March 16, 2017

Deliberate Practice for Better Speaking

Resources , Instruction , Presentation Tips , The Buckley Experience , Seen|Read|Heard

What do a great orator of Ancient Greece and the queen of popular music have in common? And how can they help you improve your public speaking? Learning expert Eduardo Briceño says it's all about the power of deliberate practice.

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February 5, 2017

Can We Keep PowerPoint Under Control?

Instruction , Presentation Tips , Just For Fun , PowerPoint

"Just Say No to PowerPoint Week" is Feb. 5-11, but it's a campaign the U.S. Military has tried to implement every day for years. Buckley faculty member Jenny Maxwell says that while every presenter can't say "no" completely, there are ways to limit the damage.

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January 9, 2017

Make Yourself Bigger?

Resources , Public Speaking , Presentation Tips , Public Speaking Fear

We know audiences read body language. But what signals are you sending yourself with how you use your body? In one of the most popular TED talks of all time, Amy Cuddy explores how you can change your mindset by making yourself bigger.

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December 20, 2016

A Delightful Christmas List

Alumni , Presentation Tips , Seen|Read|Heard

It's worked for Santa, and for David Letterman, too. See how this writer (a Buckley alum) uses a list to organize an article about volunteering as a bell ringer for the Salvation Army.

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